My Meaningful Personal Experience

Going into high school changed how I viewed my academics, converting my notion that schoolwork was a walk in the park. Before high school, learning came pretty easy or was something I already knew. Managing my workload in each class was easy, and good grades seemed almost automatic for me. High school, however, was a whole different game. The classes I took became much more challenging and required a time commitment that I had never given to school before.

This realization hit me pretty hard during freshman year. This realization forced me to buckle down and get on top of my assignments and studies. After 14 years of doing the complete opposite, changing my habits proved to be very difficult. But with the help of my friends, teachers, and an anxiety-inducing amount of missing assignments, I was able to change my previous study habits. This shift in my mindset was a game changer. My new way of thinking turned schoolwork from a burdening chore to a necessary task that I was able to complete because I knew it needed to be done. Applying this thinking to my assignments slowly started bringing back the A’s that I used to be so accustomed to. However, now I was earning them through hard work, knowing that I deserved them.

My new study strategy extended beyond the classroom. The contagious gratification of succeeding in school spilled into many other parts of my life. Whether it was sports, relationships, or any task that required effort, I now knew how to give 100 percent at it. Embracing this ideology of exceeding expectations not only brought back my academics but also reshaped my mindset, creating resilience and perseverance in all of my ongoing commitments.